Big relief. Not Big Pharma.

THE SEVEN POINTS CBD STORY BIG RELIEF. NOT BIG PHARMA. Headquartered in Southern California, a mecca for the active lifestyle, nearly everyone at Seven Points is part of the outdoor lifestyle scene. The founder, employees and many of our business partners participate in a variety of activities like cycling, snowboarding, kitesurfing, mountain biking, and speed skating. As we all know, these activities often “reward” the individual with sports related injuries and pains associated with long term participation in your favorite sport. Since Seven Points CBD is a company dedicated to health, happiness and the active, outdoor lifestyle, we wanted to find an alternative to traditional pain killers and expensive, often addictive pharmaceuticals. As a result, we have created a brand focused on enhancing the recovery & wellness for athletes of all kinds. The founder of Seven Points has personally seen the negative impact of prescription drug abuse & addiction, specifically prescription opiate based pain killers, and believes CBD offers a healthier, non psychoactive, non addictive alternative.


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